You will learn to develop all the phases of an SEO strategy and apply it in real learning projects. I want to find out! Google Trends: what it is and how to use it in an SEO strategy - related topics google 1024x326 Spot seasonal trends Discover seasonal trends and take them into account for future SEO strategies . The more knowledge.
You have about the topics in which you want to position Phone Number List yourself, the better results your strategy will give you. With this information you can boost your blog articles on that topic a few months before search peaks.your website and position it better in search results. Competition monitoring Analyzing the competition and seeing the actions that work for them and those that don't to improve our company's strategy is easier with this platform.

Of course, this must have a sufficient volume of searches. If both your website and that of your competition comply with this, you will be able to compare both results . Geographical segmentation By analyzing where your search terms are most popular, be it countries, cities or regions, you will know where there is the greatest demand for the products and services you offer.