You can send periodic emails to customers to update their information and renew their intention to remain in your database. Complies with the LGPD rules The General Law on Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) is the main legislation on the use and processing of user data on our continent. By building a customer database, your company is subject to the rules and penalties defined in laws like this one. These are some of the main LGPD rules that you must comply with: Have the user's consent to include your information in the database.
Inform the purpose of collecting the user's data (and use it only for that). Inform Bahrain WhatsApp Number about the forms of data processing. Collect only data strictly necessary for the company. Allow the user to easily alter and remove their data from the database. Allow the user to transfer their data to another company (portability). Establish security and governance policies for the data bank. Main strategies for data collection Customer data collection can encompass primary and secondary sources , as well as third-party data. With good strategies, you can enrich your base .
However, it is important to remember that the end of third-party cookies in Digital Marketing , which has already been announced by the main web browsers, may alter this scenario. From now on, the ideal is to focus on collecting primary data , that is, directly with the consumer, which brings more transparency and trust to the relationship with the brand. Still, there are plenty of ways to capture valuable information about consumers. That's why we've put together some customer data collection strategies here that you can include in your planning. Offers free content ADVERTISEMENT Offering free content in exchange for customer data is one of the main collection strategies.