Make sure you have permission to use every emailaddress you have on your lists. If someone has unsubscribed, make sure to takethem off any active lists. If you have a bank of inactive email subscribers,reach out to them to try and re-engage and offer to remove them if it’s nolonger relevant. After all, it’s better to have a smaller database ofinterested prospects than a lot of uninterested people. Use OmnichannelMarketing Going into and beyond, omnichannel marketing is a growing trend forcompanies of all sizes.
But what is omnichannel marketing? Put simply, it'susing every marketing channel to its full potential and Find Your Mobile Number List creating a seamlessexperience as a customer moves from one channel to another. Email has animportant role to play in omnichannel. The advantage it has is that email isflexible, easy to tailor, easy to test, and can provide insight into customerpreferences and behaviors. In combination with other channels such as socialmedia, paid search, or search marketing, email can drive engagement and buildcustomer loyalty. Include Relevant Links Once someone has clicked on youremail, you want to make it as easy as possible to direct them to where you wantthem to go. Don’t just send a prospect or customer into the ether of yourwebsite. Make sure you create relevant and customized landing pages that are afollow-on from the email content. Also, include social media handles so peoplecan find your brand easily online. Only include the platforms you are active onto make sure the content is up-to-date and you are responsive.
Check out‘The Anatomy of an Effective Marketing Email’ for more information. BeInteractive You can include interactivity in your email by inviting people toswipe, click, tap or watch. This could be a countdown clock, video or a GIF.The main thing is that it makes someone dwell on your email. features a GIF that shows a recipient how to take a pictureeffectively. This is followed by tips on how to take an effective picture toinclude on Google. It’s not only eye-catching but highly relevant to itsaudience. Google Maps email Google Maps email This is another GIF example fromNike which showcases its products rather than trying to get an image of eachone in an email or relying on click-through to a landing page. Nike gif emailNike gif email