It is simply using the first name of the prospect or customer you are targeting in your communication. It’s the easiest way to start addressing your contacts in a more individualized way. How to use it? Nothing could be easier! like Plezi) allow you to easily personalize the subject line or the body of the email you send. Many studies have proven that personalized emails have a better open rate than others. It’s up to you to make marketing-one-to-one in your next marketing campaigns and newsletters! 2.
Creating proximity through social media Whatever our distribution Phone Number Data channels, it is our tone and our choice of subjects that allow us to humanize our exchanges with our prospects and to build customer loyalty through personalization. On social media: stay true to yourself! A cheerful tone and a bit of humour go a long way and prove that there are people behind the screens. Just because we do BtoB doesn’t mean we shouldn’t show who we are.
On Linkedin, messages that work best are the ones that are a little offbeat and bring value to viewers without necessarily trying to sell them anything. At Plezi, we have put our trust in all our co-workers and we all post messages on our personal accounts to enrich Plezi communications as a whole. More than just one voice, Plezi is the sum of individuals, and this can be felt even in the way we reach out to people on social media. Personalization also means talking about what our prospects and customers know.